The video below provides tips for a successful ear exam using the Wispr digital otoscope.
- Make sure the camera is clean. Test the camera by pointing it at text on paper. The text should be sharp and readable.
- Make sure the speculum is firmly attached. The speculum should not be in the field of view when properly installed.
- Pull the top of the ear lobe up and back to straighten the external auditory canal.
- Using a slightly side view, watch the speculum just barely enter the canal.
- Transition your view to the LCD screen.
- On the screen, locate the ear canal that leads to the eardrum.
- Adjust the otoscope so that what you want to see is in the center of the screen.
- While watching the screen, gently advance the tip of the otoscope to the area of interest, typically the eardrum. NEVER advance the tip blindly.
- The eardrum should take up 75-90% of the display in an optimized view.
How to capture an image from the video taken during the ear exam