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Pediatric ED Receives Donation of Next-Generation Wispr Digital Otoscopes

Pediatric ED Receives Donation of Next-Generation Wispr Digital Otoscopes

WiscMed donated nine Wispr Digital Otoscopes to the University of Wisconsin Pediatric Emergency Department. The WiscMed founders are all associated with the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health as well as practicing emergency physicians. Because the device has a digital screen, it is not necessary to have your eye directly adjacent to the otoscope. In praise of the donation, Dr. Josh Ross, Executive Vice Chair and Pediatric Emergency Physician, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Wisconsin – Madison said, “I think this is especially timely and helpful in the age of COVID when putting your face (while in PPE) up to the head of a febrile child is both challenging and risky.” Read the article Pediatric ED Receives Donation of Next-Generation Wispr Digital Otoscopes»