WiscMed has completed a review of 5 digital otoscopes in the marketplace. The focus of the review is on a selection of devices that can be used in the clinical environment. The reviewed digital otoscopes are: WiscMed Wispr digital otoscope, JEDMED Horus+ HD video otoscope, Welch Allyn Digital MacroView, Firefly DE500 video otoscope and Teslong digital otoscope.
“I don’t know of any other comprehensive review for clinical digital otoscope users,” said Dr. Berbee. “I wanted a review evaluating usability, camera capability, clinical workflow, display methods and features. The example videos and images of 3 patients with various wax burdens using all 5 devices is particularly informative.”
Click here to read the article at WiscMed.com
Dr. James Berbee is a practicing emergency physician, an inventor of the Wispr digital otoscope and founder of WiscMed, LLC.